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God sees me. God knows me.

Pause and think about that...God sees me. God knows me.

If your pause lasted more than a minute, I'll venture a guess and say that you heard some other statements; like: What about...? and If God sees me, where was He when...?

Those questions come from the recesses of our hearts, where disappointments and hurt live. Was there at least one other person in your mind's eye when you considered our confession? Know for certain: God is not the initiator of your hurts and your pain. God loves you.

Even if no one else sees the hurts that live there, God does; and He wants to touch and heal your pain.

  • when there are bills to pay and no money;
  • when you or someone you care about has illness;
  • when life at home or at work is difficult;
  • when you suffer in any way;
  • He knows your past, your present, and your future.

God Sees me.

A young pregnant woman in Scripture, Hagar, had been driven out from her family because of her bad behavior. We meet Hagar, feeling very alone and desperate, in Genesis, chapter 16:

"Now the angel of the LORD found Hagar by a spring  of water in the desert--the spring along the road to Shur. 'Hagar, servant of Sarai,' he said, 'where have you come from, and where are you going?'"

The angel of the LORD gives her a directive to return home and to submit to the authority in her home. He then tells her very specific details about her son's character and his lifestyle, while yet in her womb.

Hagar responds with this: "You are the God who sees me,' for she said, 'Here I have seen the One who sees me.'"

At that moment, another attribute of God's matchless being had been disclosed. He is: El Roi, "The God who sees me."

God knows me.

Psalm 139 solidified this truth for me. No one can convince me otherwise. "God knows me. God sees me." You can read its life-altering words here:

Based on these truths, we can know for certain that God sees:

Suffering has a voice. It speaks things like: You're alone. No one cares. It's always going to be this way. Accompanying those thoughts are all the hurtful emotions.